Summerslam PPV buyrates decline again

Publish date: 2024-06-22
I think people are getting tired of the PG era and WWE ruined or handled the Nexus angle poorly. When Nexus debuted, they looked like NxtWo. They had two capable co-leaders in Barrett/Danielson and were eight members strong. They had muscle, they seemed to have something mic worthy in Otunga, and they had Justin Gabriel (and all attributes that he encompasses.) Then when Danielson was fired, I believe that was the end.

Who knows where Nexus could be today had Danielson not been fired. Though he probably would have been fired sooner or later anyway because of the PG era, which would not allow Danielson to do things the proper way as he did the night they debuted.

Then the WWE roster united too quickly against the Nexus.

Though it was not just poor booking or poor writing, some members of Nexus were not ready and still aren't. Though this could of been a non-factor if you had Danielson handling the mic and showing up in the ring.

All in all, I think the addiction of buying monthly PPV's is wearing off on a lot of fans. For a number of years, you didn't know what to expect in WWE and now the company has gotten complacent. They are throwing all their chips into 2-3 guys and people are realizing The E is not what it used to be.

All people can really look forward too is someone getting injured and then returning (Triple H, Jericho, Christian.)

I think Cena turning heel being the most discussed topic says it all.
