D&D 5E - How did you fare against Venomfang the Young Green Dragon Lost Mine of Phandelver?

Publish date: 2024-06-18
My party killed venomfang. They were warned by the druid in thundertree about the dragon, who also wanted them to go kill it. They knew it would probably be pretty tough fight, so finished the adventure first, and went back after clearing wave echo cave and hitting level 5, which made all the difference in the fight.

The dragon was acting peaceful at first, deceiving tu lure them closer, then opened up with breath weapon, which almost wiped half the team right there. The party then were surrounding it to avoid whole team being hit by breath weapon again. The party included Barbarian(totem), bard(lore), druid(moon) and fighter(Eldritch knight).

The druid casted moonbeam on the dragon, then changed into bear form for more hitpoints, while using her action to keep targeting the dragon with the moonbeam. The barbarian and fighter kept attacking at melee range. The bard got knocked unconscious early in the fight by second breath weapon attack, which also knocked the druid out of bear form.

Near the end of the fight bard rolled natural 20 on a death saving throw and jumped back on his feet, but the fighter was knocked unconscious. When the dragon got low on hitpoints, it decided to fly away, but the druid shot it out of the sky with her longbow(She had bracers of archery giving her profiency, i replaced the boots of striding and springing in wave echo cave with the bracers since the party already had the boots from earlier introduction adventure). The druid was only one able to shoot the dragon at that point, since barbarian lacked ranged weapons, the fighter was unconscious, and the bard lost his other hand from the dragon breath(using lingering injuries on DMG, i roll on the table whenever someone drops to 0 hitpoints or fails a death saving throw).
